pix bet 12
pix bet 12>pix bet 12March
The MPA gave the movie an NC-17 rating "for some sexual content." NC-17 is a higher classification than an R rating and means no one under 17 years old can be admitted to see the movie, whereas for rated-R films, those under 17 can see the movie with a parent or guardian. Blonde is set to stream on Netflix soon.
Unrated is a movie that has not been rated by the ratings board of the MPAA, it does not mean it's "worse" than a rated R movie, only that it simply wasn't submitted to be rated.
1xrace 1xbet
27 Thursday Paragould Chamber Tournament
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27 Thursday LGA Two Gal 9am
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26-27 Weekend Focus Bank Mixed Pairs / shotgun
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14 Thursday AMMC Foundation Golf 8am or 1pm
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23-24 Weekend TAGS (invitational)
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1xrace 1xbet
1xrace 1xbet
1xrace 1xbet